From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Thursday, 28 December 2023 3:46:43pm
Subject:More enhancements to the App

Dear HarmonySite administrator,


Some neat new enhancements to the App functionality today.  Actually, the App itself hasn't changed, but there are some enhancements to the HarmonySite WEBSITE that are all to do with the App...


1. Sent push-notifications are now stored in the website


Now, when you send a notification from the website to all App users, the notification itself is stored in the website.  This is done silently and automatically.


The stored notifications can be viewed in a box on the main Members site, near the bottom, just above the "Comments" box...







2.  You can now send notifications about Announcements


Similar to sending notifications about songs or bulletin board items, you can now send notifications about Announcements (the items that appear above all the icons on the main Members page - if you have any)...


Note that you're not sending the announcement itself - you're sending a notification ABOUT the announcement.  When members receive the notification, they need to tap on it to view the actual announcement.



3.  You can now track which members are using the App


Your HarmonySite has a system for tracking who has logged into the WEBSITE.  This system has now been expanded so that it also tracks who has logged into the APP.  So you can now see at a glance who has logged in using the App and who has not.


The system for tracking who has logged in (either to the website or the App) is an OPTIONAL system.  If you want logins tracked, you need to enable that tracking system - if you haven't done so already.  That's done as follows...


  1. Logged in as an admin, visit your Admin Dashboard
  2. On the "Members" line, in the right-hand column, click the link called "Login/logout events"
  3. Click the "Create" button


Note that logins into the App BEFORE TODAY will not be recorded in the database, or would be recorded as logging into the WEBSITE (not the App).


So finally, to view who has logged into the App and who has not, simply visit the App page (typically via the "APP" icon on your main Members page) and scroll to the bottom of the page.


If you've only just enabled the tracking of logins, you will need to wait a few days for people to actually log into the App, before that list becomes meaningful/useful.



In harmony,


Mark Virtue



+61 2 8005 4277 (Australian number)

In North America, call:  1-415-651-7009 (San Francisco number)

Skype name:  mvirtue

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